Tuesday, August 20, 2013

A little bit of Background...

Hi,  I feel I've been lead by the spirit, aka the Holy Spirit, aka The Ruach HaKodesh.  Yeah I had never heard that term before either.  But this is the direction my life has taken. I made the decision to seek the Father, I sought to know him more, to better understand his will.  He answered, and I'm now overwhelmed in a flood of knowledge and a constant thirst to learn.  I feel like I am in a free fall, yet I am surrounded by the everlasting arms of my God or "Elohim".  

Let me start from the beginning.  In my very beginning, I was born about a month premature and grossly underweight.  I was a measly 2 pounds 7 ounces.  Otherwise, I was healthy.  The doctors searched and found an answer.  My Mother had kidney disease and her body was taking nutrients from me to sustain her.  My birth weight caused a concern which resulted in a diagnosis and in turn my mother was able to get the treatment she required.  Thus in my opinion, began my Heavenly Fathers intervention in my life.  

At a very young age the church which my parents attended moved to a new location.  My Dad working shift work needed the family car which meant I did not attend that church anymore.  Now believers might look at this as  a detriment. i however look at it this way.  I was able to make the decision to follow him on my own which I needed to do.  I had a very different upbringing early on in my life.  Because my mother was tied to a dialysis machine every other day for 8 hours, I learned at a very young age to be independent, but also responsible.  My mother needed my assistance, and my gift of serving was brought to the forefront.  I would move a chair to the fridge and climb atop it to get ice for here.  I walked to the store to buy snacks (who lets a 7 year old do that now?).  I was my mothers hands and feet and I quickly learned the consequences of my actions affected others, and it made me a different person.  

All through school from kindergarten to university, I was set apart from the crowd.  I didn't drink, didn't smoke, or do drugs, I didn't follow the crowd, and I was more cognizant of what my actions meant.  I was not perfect, I had my own demons that had control of me, even now they watch for an opportunity.  The difference being is that I want to be different, set apart and obedient. Before, I thought I did, but I did not make the effort.

I remember my first year of education after high school, I was riding the bus to university.A couple of friends were trying to educate me on religion.  They both tried to explain their beliefs to me, but never asked me to attend church with them.  One was with Campus Crusade for Christ and the other was drawn to the Book of Revelations and the end of the world conspiracy theories.  All I wanted was an invite and I didn't get it, so I went along on my merry way, ultimately putting the urge aside.  My heavenly Father had other plans. 

About a year and a half later, I was at a nightclub with some friends and I decided to leave early. I've never been a drinker, but I loved music and friends, what can I say. I drove through a drive thru at the local burger joint.  As my order was being read back to me, I recognized the voice and my ears perked up. At the window, my suspicions were confirmed, it was a girl I had gone to grade school with and it just so happened that I had a crush on her way back when before she moved away.  Now, I had always been the shy guy, but in high school, I kicked that habit, I developed some courage and came out of my shell.  Let me say that I asked A LOT of girls on dates, and was quite frequently rewarded with a phone number.  I was never one to give my heart away, but I searched for that right person, and for all the charm the Father gave me, I never slept with any of the girls  during my dating career. I am ONE with my wife and no one else before or since.  Another reason I feel set apart. I just could never commit to it, just as  I have never been drunk.  

Now before you think this was the woman I was to marry, let me tell you she was not, however she was the one to introduce me to my Savior.  One Saturday night I picked her up and she said she wanted to go somewhere first. She said" if you feel uncomfortable, we don't have to stay".  It was a Praise and Worship event with a local band.  My heart and pride were stripped away and my guilt and sin were revealed to me in a way I cannot explain.  I felt humbled, ashamed but incredibly loved and cherished.I gave my life to my Messiah a couple of days later. Although I am thankful to her for introducing me to my Savior, we did not stay together and not to be rude, but I am very thankful we didn't.  At the same church, I met the woman of my dreams, we were baptized the same day, were married and have had several beautiful children.  We are now taking this journey together discovering our Hebrew Roots.

I guess it truly started with my wife's uncle. He's a great guy and has been blessed with wisdom, whether or not he wishes to admit it.  I can't remember exactly how it began, but through discussions at family gatherings, we began to discuss the Bible.  He ended up directing me to the 119 Ministries website.  It took me a little bit to actually go there.  I believe everyone is like this, because we are afraid of what changes we will have to make.  No body seems to want to sacrifice anything, certainly not like our Savior sacrificed for us.  I'm included in this mindset as I am Human, but let me tell you, after watching "Sunburned*" it all became very clear to me that we as a nation of believers in Yeshua (Jesus) are at the very least sinning as bad as the Israelite's did all the while saying "how could they be so blind?".  This was only a couple months ago

This is where I started my Journey, I invite you to watch the video, follow along as I tell of my adventure in coming closer to YHVH(God's Hebrew Name)

* Please note I no longer support Sunburned as accurate. After further study I have found their video relies heavily on the book "The Two Babylons"  which was proved to be mainly fabrication and debunked by archaeological finds after publishing.  Unfortunately it still runs rampant in Hebrew Roots Circles.

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